
Avoiding Scams: 3 Foolproof Red Flags When Hiring Tradespeople

Avoiding Scams: 3 Foolproof Red Flags When Hiring Tradespeople

Professionalism is one of the most important factors when hiring tradespeople in your local area. Whether you need a plumber to fix a leaky sink or an electrician to rewire your home, how tradespeople present their business and conduct themselves is a highly reliable indicator of professionalism, and it's the first step people should check when looking to hire a reliable and trustworthy tradesperson or business.

Substandard work and being scammed for large amounts of money is a fear we all have when hiring a tradesperson. But fear not! We have compiled three simple red flags that are easy to check and demonstrate whether or not a tradesperson or business is professional.

Red flag # 1. Check if they have a website

In today's digital age, having a website is essential for any business, including tradespeople. A website serves as an online presence and a platform to showcase the services or products the business offers. 

Websites help demonstrate a commitment to professionalism. They allow you to gather information about the business and make informed decisions. Therefore, if a tradesperson or business does not have a website, it raises a red flag.

The absence of a website can raise concerns about the legitimacy and professionalism of the business. A website provides credibility and reassurance. It allows you to verify the business's existence, read reviews or testimonials, look through a gallery of previous work, and get in touch with them quickly. 

Choosing a tradesperson or business that has made an effort to invest in a professional website is always recommended. But what about a Facebook page? Does that count? Unfortunatley not. A Facebook page without an external professional website demonstrates a business's unwillingness to invest in itself. Ask yourself this question; Do you want to invest your hard-earned money into a company that does not invest in itself?

Red flag # 2. Do they use a generic free Email?

Another important red flag to watch out for is the use of a generic free email address (Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo, etc.). A true professional will have an email address associated with their website address (Example; This personalised email address adds professionalism and indicates that the tradesperson takes their business seriously. It shows that they have invested in their brand and are committed to providing a reliable service.

While it is true that a generic email address does not necessarily indicate a lack of trustworthiness, it is generally a better sign if a tradesperson has chosen to use a personalised email address. Having a personalised email address shows they have gone the extra mile to establish their online presence and build their brand. It indicates that they are willing to invest in their business and take it seriously. It also shows that they prioritise professionalism in all aspects of their business, including online communication.

Red flag #3. How do they conduct themselves? Do they answer a phone professionally?

Pay attention to how tradespeople conduct themselves when answering the phone. A reliable and trustworthy tradesperson will always answer the phone in a professional manner, clearly identifying themselves and their business. This simple yet important gesture reflects their commitment to professionalism and customer service. 

On the other hand, if a tradesperson answers the phone with a casual and generic "hello," it raises concerns about their level of professionalism and dedication to their work. It suggests they may not have invested in a separate business phone number; therefore, there is no obligation to answer every call. They may ignore calls from unknown or unrecognised numbers, including you, as a potential client. By investing in a separate business phone number and answering calls in a professional manner, tradespeople demonstrate their commitment to their clients and work. It shows that they take their profession seriously and are dedicated to providing a reliable and consistent service.

In Summary

The red flags we have discussed serve as an excellent starting point for your research and can help instantly identify potential scammers or unprofessional tradespeople. Failing to pass our three simple red flag checks should be a significant cause for concern, and it strongly indicates that they may not have the integrity or knowledge to provide a professional and reliable service.

These checks act as a basic screening mechanism to filter out potentially untrustworthy tradespeople or businesses. However, even for those tradespeople or businesses that pass our red flag checks, it is vital not to stop there. It is crucial to go beyond these initial indicators and gather as much information as possible before making an informed decision. This means conducting further research, such as verifying credentials or licences. Doing so can give you a more comprehensive understanding of the individual or business's reputation and track record.

Are you a tradesperson? Understand the difference between doing a good job and professionalism.

As a tradesperson, it is crucial to understand the distinction between doing a good job and embodying professionalism. While you may excel at your craft and prioritise honest work, it is equally important to present yourself professionally. Neglecting to have a website, relying on a generic email address, or failing to answer calls in a professional manner can all contribute to an unprofessional image, ultimately harming your business. 

Suppose these points have resonated with you, and you recognise the importance of professionalism in your trade. In that case, we can build a high-quality website that reflects your expertise and professionalism. 

We specialise in creating affordable websites tailored explicitly for tradespeople committed to professionalism. Additionally, a VoIP provider that offers a separate business phone line managed through an app on your mobile will allow you to maintain a professional image and streamline your business communications.

Contact us today to start a conversation about building a professional online website and improving your overall business image.

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