Frequently Asked Questions

    Getting started

How can I be found on Google?

Once your website is live, Google's robots will crawl through and have a look at your website. Well-designed content, images, text and navigation all play a factor in boosting your Google ranking. It can take time; However, we strategically design websites to help your website rank as high as possible.

What is the process for creating a website?

First, we will send you an onboarding questionnaire so that you can tell us about your business and branding. Once that's complete, we will start building your website based on the answers you provided. 

When the website is ready, we will email you a temporary link to enable you to view it and approve or request revisions. Once you approve the design, we will grant you access to our website editor, where you may add text or use our copywriting service. Finally, we will conduct a pre-launch assessment and connect it to your domain.

How long will it take Aim High Websites to build my online presence?

Building your website and then presenting it to you for approval can take up to 28 days from the moment you complete the onboarding questionnaire. To avoid delays, good communication between us is imperative.

What is hosting?

Website hosting is the virtual space where your website lives and can be accessed by people who want to view it. When you create a website, you need a place to store all the files, images, and other data that make up your site. Hosting is an essential aspect of creating a website, as without it, your website would not be accessible to anyone on the internet.

We use Amazon's AWS infrastructure to deliver top-quality hosting with 99.9% uptime and lighting fast load speeds.

What if I already have a domain name?

You can use an existing domain name for your new website. You can transfer it to Aim High Websites, and we'll manage and connect it to your website and email. We'll also pay for the annual renewal on your behalf. You will remain the domain owner and have the authority to transfer it away from Aim High Websites at any time via our domain dashboard.

Alternatively, you're welcome to keep your domain with your current provider. We will supply you with an IP address to 'point' your domain to your new website.

What will you use to build my website?

We use our multi-functional platform to build most of our client's websites. Occasionally, we may build or part-build a website using the WordPress platform, depending on the functionality required.

What support and assistance do you provide after the website launch?

We provide clients with excellent post-launch support and assistance to ensure their website remains functional, secure, and effective in generating traffic and leads.

1. Ongoing website maintenance: We provide regular updates to ensure the website is up-to-date with the latest software and security patches, including monitoring the website for any issues, fixing errors, and implementing necessary changes.

2. Training and education: We have many resources to help our clients understand how to use the website's features and functionalities effectively. This includes phone, email, and screen share support.

3. Service retainer: If clients prefer a hands-off approach, we can continue to update clients' websites with the content they send without them having to access the website editor.

Can you update my existing website instead of buiding a new one?

Wix/Squarespace/Shopify, Etc.

We are not acquainted with these platforms and their features. Therefore it is not economical for us to access your website to carry out updates. It would be more cost-effective for us to reconstruct your website on our platform.


Whilst we may have to use WordPress to construct pages with advanced functionality, we actively refrain from using WordPress due to its complexities, performance, and security issues.

Instead of a complete website redesign, we can reconstruct your WordPress website on our platform by utilising the current design, allowing you to benefit from our superior hosting, performance, and support.

Do you offer a low-cost website design alternative?

Yes! We understand that not everyone has a large budget for website design, so we have a perfect solution for clients on a tight budget. We offer a professionally designed template solution specifically created by our team. These templates are an excellent option to kickstart your online presence without breaking the bank.

We are happy to provide further information if you want to learn more about our low-cost website design alternative. Contact us today.

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    Features & content

What features are available for my website?

Many features are available to enhance the text and images within your website. We'll list just a few below;

- Embed your Youtube videos.

- Create a blog (great for recent news or articles)

- Pop-ups (Display on click or display on conditions).

- Showcase your work with a stunning picture gallery.

- Link and embed your Social Media accounts.

- Easy contact form that sends messages directly to your email inbox.

- Homepage slideshow to highlight your services.

- Allow your customer to download documents from your website.

- E-commerce; Sell products and services online.

- AND much more!

If you need a specific feature on your website, please request a quotation and tell us your requirements.

Can I sell things (Ecommerce) on my website?

Yes! Our platform offers a complete E-commerce solution. You can sell physical products, services, memberships and digital downloads.

Will Aim High write all the text content for my website?

We offer the service as an optional purchase should you require it. Finding the words to describe a product or service, even as an expert, is more challenging than people think. We have a few options for you;

Option 1. We can copy the text from your existing website if you have one.

Option 2. We will leave several text content areas throughout your new website. Then, you can send us the text to fill those areas. Sometimes, writing text content is easier when you can visually see where it needs to go.

Option 3. We can create engaging, conversion-focused text for you.

What is a blog?

Blogs are commonly used for your latest news, sharing industry insights, or showcasing recent projects. Blog content is placed inside a pre-defined layout and does not count toward your page total.

Blogs are a great way to keep your website fresh with new content. There's no limit to the number of blog posts you create, and you can assign filterable categories and tags to each post so that your website visitors can easily find articles.

All our plans include the option to have a website blog.

Do you offer multilingual website design?

Our platform does not currently have the functionality to translate your website directly within the website (e.g. adding the translated text yourself).

However, we can insert some custom code to integrate Google Translate into your website and style it with language selection buttons. The process of installing Google Translate is quick and easy; however, it's worth noting that Google Translate is not 100% accurate.

   The Website Platform

What is the website editor?

Our website editor is part of our multi-functional platform that we like to call; The Website Platform. Our all-in-one platform offers extra built-in tools to help create an even better online presence. Our tools include the following;

- Website Builder.

- Funnel Builder.

- E-commerce Module.

- Email Marketing Module.

- Simple CRM.

- Online Appointments.

Can I export my website?

No, you can't export websites we build within our platform. They are coded and optimised exclusively for our platform to deliver a top-quality user experience. You can, however, export your contacts list.

Will I have the ability to make changes to my website after it's launched?

Yes. Once you have approved your website design, you'll be given access to the website editor, a user-friendly platform that simplifies updating your website. Another option is to enrol in our service retainer, and we'll take care of making any necessary changes to your website for you.

Can the platform integrate with third-party tools or services?

Yes, our platform can integrate with other platforms. There are three ways of doing this;

1. Custom Code. The 3rd party platform you use may be able to export sections of their software via custom code. Our platform can add custom code to your website. Custom code embedded into websites is common for restaurant booking widgets, calendars, CRM contact forms, etc. 

2. Direct integration. Our platform can integrate directly with other platforms, such as email marketing software and payment processors. 

3. Integration via Zapier. Zapier is a no-code solution for connecting two software applications. As long as your 3rd party application is compatible with Zapier, we can seamlessly connect your website to it and configure it to activate with various triggers and actions.

Do I need to carry out routine updates to the themes or plugins (Like WordPress)?

No. You do not need to worry about updating your website or any other back-end maintenance you would otherwise have to perform on WordPress. All software and security updates are performed automatically in the background without any risk of breaking your website.

   Email accounts

How many email accounts can I have?

All our plans include one 10GB email account. If you need more, you can purchase our email account package to create an unlimited number of 10GB email accounts.

Is there a storage limit for the email accounts?

Every email account comes with 10GB of storage, which is amble for everyday business use. You can purchase an additional 10GB if you need to.

How can I access my email accounts?

You can access your email with any browser using our webmail site. Additionally, you can configure your email accounts to function with third-party programs like Microsoft Outlook and other mail applications available on your computer and phone.

Can I manage all the email accounts on my domain?

Yes. You can manage every email account assigned to your domain name. Within our domains portal, you can access, monitor and add new accounts, change passwords, set up forwarders, etc.

Can I connect my domain with Gmail or Microsoft email accounts?

Yes. You can purchase an email account directly from Google or Microsoft and connect it to your domain. If we manage your domain, we will configure the domain settings on your behalf to ensure it's connected properly.

   Ongoing management

Can I make changes and update my website by myself?

Yes! Our straightforward platform lets you confidently take control once we build your website. You can perform updates whenever you want using the website editor.

Can you make changes and updates for me?

Yes. Our service retainer allows you to call upon us to amend your website upon request at a monthly fixed price. If you do not subscribe to our service retainer, you can still ask us to amend your website - At our hourly rate.

Can you handle domain name renewals and management?

Yes. We offer an affordable domain management service. For a low yearly fee, we will manage your domain, pay for the annual renewal, and configure the settings as and when required.

Can you handle regular updates and maintenance of my website?

Yes! Unlike WordPress, all software and security updates are carried out automatically in the background, so you won't ever need to worry about carrying out maintenance updates or dealing with updates that conflict with the functionality of your website. Furthermore, we don't charge extra for software updates and maintenance, as it's all included in the cost of your monthly subscription.

Do you offer support for integrating new features or functionalities?

We're always available to provide assistance or guidance to our customers. If you have any new feature you wish to add to your website and are unsure about the implementation process, feel free to reach out to us, and we will gladly assist you.

   Billing & subscription

Are there any additional costs or fees I should be aware of?

Please visit our pricing page for more information on our optional services and add-ons.

There may also be additional 3rd party costs outside our control should you wish to extend the functionality of your website (For example, integrating your website contact forms into 3rd party software).

Do you require a deposit or upfront payment?

Yes. In order for us to begin a website project together, an upfront payment of 50% of the initial setup is required. The remaining 50% will be invoiced to you upon your approval of the completed website design.

How do I pay?

We will use your Debit or Credit Card to collect payment. We will send you a secure payment link to set up your payment details online, and the system will automatically charge your card when we issue invoices.

Are there any benefits for paying my subscription on an annual basis?

Yes. Our domain management service will be provided free of charge, which also covers the 3rd-party cost of renewing your domain. Please get in touch with us if you wish to pay annually.

Is there a contract?

No. However, it's worth checking what is and isn't included in the scope of our service by reading our terms of service.

You are free to cancel your monthly subscription at any time.

What happens to my website if I cancel my subscription?

Upon a cancellation request, your websites and funnels will no longer be visible online. Your email marketing will become inactive, and your email accounts will be deleted. You will, however, be able to log in to your dashboard should you wish to reinstate your online presence.

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